All students at OLPH have the opportunity to attend music instruction:
Once a week for grades PK3-1st, twice a week for grades 2nd-5th, and middle school students have the opportunity to take a variety of music classes as an enrichment course. Students serve as music ministry at all school Masses. The music department also showcases the many talents of our students in various programs throughout the school year.
Saint Cecilia Sings Concert – The St. Cecilia Sing Concert celebrates the patron saint of music and musicians, St. Cecilia, through an evening of sharing traditional and contemporary music prepared by students in grades 3-5 and various middle school music ensembles. These ensembles include handbell, recorder, and guitar ensembles, as well as Middle School Enrichment and Wildcat Worship Team Choirs. The students collaborate together to memorize and prepare the musical selections but also share their joy with the audience through communal singing and interactive movements with other performers.
Christmas Concert- An annual celebration of the holiness of the Advent and Christmas seasons, this concert features the kindergarten through 2nd-grade choirs as well as middle school enrichment classes.
Talent Show – An annual event in the life of OLPH students is the spring talent show, which usually takes place right before spring break. This program provides students with an opportunity to showcase a variety of talents by performing before an audience in a friendly, nurturing environment. This program offers another venue through which students may develop their talents and abilities.