Our Catholic faith is at the heart of all we do at OLPH. All students, Pre-K3-8th grade, participate in daily religion classes as well as weekly, student-led liturgies. Through our religion program, students develop and practice:
Religious training – As the basis of our school program, religion, as a subject, is taught daily from Pre-K3 to 8th grade and is both witnessed and incorporated throughout the day by the school community. Participating in weekly liturgy, students serve as lectors, music ministers, ushers, and gift bearers. Students trained as altar servers through the parish serve in this ministry at the weekly liturgies as well. Parents and parishioners are invited to join the faculty and student body at the Wednesday Mass. Students are provided envelopes to fill with prayers, or a donation from their own funds, to embrace the precept of stewardship and encourage almsgiving.
Sacramental programs – All Catholic students in grades 2-8 who have not yet received the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation are prepared for the reception of these sacraments. The sacramental study is an integral part of the religious curriculum. Although academic preparation takes place within the school, parent meetings and the celebration and reception of sacraments take place within the parish community.
Family Life Program (K-5) – Every May, students in grades K-5 participate in this program. This program helps parents find ideas to understand and communicate with each child, as well as give simple explanations of the Church’s teaching of the family as a sacrament and a reflection of the Trinity. Family Life helps families to learn new ways to create family experiences with their children they will remember for a lifetime.
Theology of the Body (6-8) – The archdiocesan-required program, Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition, is based on St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, and presented in the spring. It offers a positive message of the gift of sexuality as a good and essential part of love and life. This curriculum provides students with the knowledge and understanding they need concerning the meaning and purpose of their identity, their sexuality, and of their very existence. Parents are invited to an introductory meeting, with program information and lesson schedules by grade, before the program begins.
Spiritual Life Committee – This parent-led committee spearheads many religious events within the school and parish community, including the weekly Rosary said for the intentions of every student and the school community, the Living Rosary, St. Ann’s Diaper Drive, school-wide reconciliation services, Vocations Week, Christian Music Week, gifts to the 8th grade graduating students, candy canes for St. Nicholas Day, and the Saint Bowl. The Spiritual Life Committee also instituted the monthly Spiritual Life Committee Corner as a feature in the school newsletter.
St. Vincent de Paul Support – The OLPH St. Vincent de Paul Ministry needs our school's support to feed the hungry in our community. Each week, families in need come to their door for assistance which includes putting food on the table. Please see the pantry request list on our Forms and Links page. Your gesture of care allows each student to bring a donation to wear jeans with their spirit shirt on Fridays. Through May, school donations totaled just over 3,000 lbs of food!
Vacation Bible School – Each summer, the parish sponsors VBS. OLPH middle school students are offered the opportunity to volunteer for service hours to help meet their annual service hour requirement. These students help set up, provide critical support to group leaders during the week, and help tear down.